Category Archives: Craft

My adventures in Silksceening – Part 1

The Motivation It’s nice to have a souvenir when I come back from vacation: a shot glass, a knick-knack, a T-shirt; a little reminder helps the trip last longer in my mind. On my last vacation, I realized how much … Continue reading

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It’s been a busy few months.  Between the osPID and my day job, it’s been pretty hectic.  Somehow, in the middle of it all, I decided to learn how to knit.

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Collapsible Knitting Needle

I needed a break. I’ve been working hard on the osPID for several months, and I just needed to not look at code or control algorithms for a little bit. Nothing says “break” like an out-of-left-field project. I only started … Continue reading

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When a Maker Gets Married

I got married a couple of weeks ago. We did all the planning / decoration ourselves. By we, or course, I mean my wife. One of the things she wanted to do was have lit paper lanterns suspended above the tables.

The initial plan was to use throwies, but I felt they wouldn’t give as much light as a commercial 3 LED solution. This led me to a fun, albeit time consuming project.
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Sandal Retread using Fillet ‘o Tire

I did this once years ago, and it worked really well. Take an old tire, and recycle it to make indestructible shoe soles. Tire tread is designed to handle way more abuse than simple walking can dish out. My current … Continue reading

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Holy Crap I Made Cheese

That’s right. Cheese. I was surprised by how easy it was.  It was just a simple farmer’s cheese, but still.  Making cheese is one of those things you just assume is impossible; for professionals only.  Turns out people have been … Continue reading

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